
Are you interested in redefining patient care within the field of ophthalmology? Cell Surgical Network invites you to join our remarkable journey. As we continue developing the latest stem cell technologies and therapies, we aim to empower dedicated eye care specialists to incorporate stem cell regeneration into their practices. As a member of our network, you will benefit from the latest research and advancements while offering your patients an excellent alternative to surgery.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be uncomfortable and affect vision due to insufficient tear production or poor tear quality. Cell Surgical Network researchers are exploring the possibility of stem cell regeneration therapy to address this problem.

Our research covers a broad range of ophthalmic concerns, including chronic keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Our approach, based on studies involving canines, seeks to alleviate this condition using stem cell therapy. Experienced board-certified ophthalmologists oversee the process, making safety a priority.

To target the tear ducts, SVF extracted from your own fat is strategically placed around the eyes. This non-surgical alternative aims to restore comfort and moisture to dry eyes, providing much-needed relief while harnessing the regenerative potential of stem cells to enhance eye health.


Glaucoma, characterized by elevated intraocular pressure, can cause optic nerve damage and vision loss. As part of our studies at Cell Surgical Network, we investigate the potential for stem cell regeneration therapy to alleviate the long-term effects of glaucoma.
Our research draws inspiration from global practices and veterinary medicine and is guided by board-certified ophthalmologists.

Our non-surgical approach uses SVF extracted from fat to reduce glaucoma’s effects, preserve vision, and improve patients’ quality of life.

Optic Neuritis

Optic neuritis, often resulting from optic nerve inflammation, can lead to severe vision loss, especially in cases linked to multiple sclerosis. At Cell Surgical Network, we analyze how stem cell regeneration therapies can be used to address optic neuritis’ enduring effects.

Our approach is led by board-certified ophthalmologists with extensive medical backgrounds, ensuring expertise in patient care. Our innovative therapies combine systemic and localized procedures to safeguard patient safety.

By harnessing the regenerative power of stem cells, our non-surgical path aims to alleviate the persistent effects of optic neuritis. By incorporating stem cell therapy studies into your practice, you can help improve your patient’s visual health and well-being.

Join Cell Surgical Network

Become a part of this visionary initiative at the Cell Surgical Network and advance ophthalmic patient care through cutting-edge stem cell technology. When you join our network, you gain exclusive access to technology and expertise that can redefine vision care. With our combined efforts, we can offer patients a non invasive, surgery-free, regenerative option that will improve their vision and speed their recovery. The field of ophthalmology deserves the very best, and together, we can revolutionize it. Transform your practice and provide your patients with a non-surgical vision solution today.